
Reading Intention:

At Bozeat Primary School reading for pleasure and cultivating the love of reading is actively encouraged throughout the school. Great emphasis is placed on developing pupil’s skills in reading from Reception, so that they are able to explore and discuss challenging texts confidently during our daily reading sessions. Both shared, modelled and independent reading has a specific focus and is a fundamental part of a child’s reading journey. Teacher’s use a range of rich texts, so that pupils use of vocabulary and enjoyment of reading is heightened. The breadth of our curriculum ensures that pupils have access to a wide range of poetry, fiction and non-fiction.

We actively promote and celebrate our love of reading through our vibrant environment, reading for pleasure areas, focused whole school assemblies and celebration days. In addition to this, our parent community are actively involved and regularly attend our workshops, open mornings and demonstration lessons.

Reading Implementation:

As children journey though the school, we use a variety of reading strategies to ensure that all our pupils are confident and competent in their reading.

In Key Stage One, we recognise that all learners are individual in their approach when securing their skills. Therefore, teachers use a variety of decoding skills such as phonics and picture cues.

Our expert Phonic teaching happens on a daily basis and is taught in small, fluid groups which are based on frequent assessment so that they are reactive to the changing needs of learners. We use the Letters & Sounds programme initially and then on to Read, Write Inc to ensure the progressive development of skills, so that pupils can decode effectively. In their Literacy learning pupils are provided with the opportunity to develop and embed these key skills.

Independent reading books support children at an individual level and are carefully chosen by teachers to aid and challenge our pupils with their phonic learning. We use a variety of different texts from our Whole School Reading Spine to enable our children to develop a love of reading and enjoy sharing these with our parents and carers on a weekly basis.

Please see our list of suggested texts below for your children to enjoy at home.

What makes Reading at Bozeat so special?

Throughout the school year we hold a number of “Big Book Swaps” in the school hall.

Our reading trolley is available for all members of our school community to access at any time; on the playground, before school and after school.

We take part in exciting competitions and reading challenges throughout the year, to earn house points for our team.

We celebrate “World Book Day” annually in a BIG way!

Our wonderful reading dog comes to visit us every week and loves listening to our children read.

For our more gifted readers, we work in partnership with Wollaston Secondary Schools to take part in, “The County Big Book Quiz”.

We have “Mystery Readers” who sign up to come and share a book with a class

When our Reception children start school, they are paired with a reading buddy to enjoy different reading experiences throughout the year.

Throughout the year, we invite the wider community into our school to take part in Reading workshops, demonstrations and events.

Our love of reading is further established by our frequent visits from real life authors who motivate and inspire our children even further.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to speak to our reading leader, Mrs Pettit.

Reading Impact:

Every child at our school is a reader, who through exceptional experiences and opportunities are confident to select their own texts to enjoy and gain information from. Our children understand the importance of reading and consistently strive to gain high outcomes.


Bozeat Reading Curriculum
The Early Years Shared Reading Provision
Key Stage 1 and 2 Shared Reading Provision
Suggested Texts
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