At Bozeat Primary School we follow the Read Write Inc (RWI) Phonics scheme which has been validated as a complete Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme by the DFE. It is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers, and willing writers. Synthetic phonics is the ability to convert a letter or letter group into sounds that are then blended together in a word.
We begin the programme in Nursery, during the summer term, and will continue teaching RWI to children beyond the age of 7 if they still need support in their reading.
Take a look at the videos and documents below to learn more about RWI and phonics:
• What is Read Write Inc? - click here
• Ruth Miskin Parents' Page – click here
• Oxford Owl free eBook Library – click here
During the summer term before your child starts Reception in September, they will be introduced to the initial sounds in short five-minute sessions.
The children will learn how to read the sounds in words and how those sounds are written. They will learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letters using simple picture prompts. They will learn to read using Fred talk and simple blending. The children will then read a range of storybooks and non-fiction books that are closely matched to their phonics knowledge. They will also develop comprehension skills by answering discussion questions.
The children will learn to write the letters which represent the 44 sounds and learn to write words by using Fred talk. When writing, the children will build sentences by practising sentences out loud before they write.
Key Stage One
The children will follow the same format as in Reception but will work on more complex sounds and read books appropriate to their reading level. We aim for children to become fluent speedy readers by the time they leave Year 2.
To help all children become speedy readers, all the RWI books children will read contain red and green words. Red words are not easily decodable and contain the high frequency or ‘tricky’ words that hold and link sentences together. Green words are linked to the sounds they have been learning and are easily decodable.
Nonsense Words / Alien Words
As well as learning to read real words, children will also read nonsense words. These are designed to give children the opportunity to apply their phonics skills. These words will feature in the Year One Phonics Screening check.
Year One Phonics Screening Check
Children will complete a word reading check at the end of Year 1 to confirm whether they have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate level. Children will read 40 words during a short assessment. If they do not manage to read 32 of the words, they are given extra support and will repeat the check at the end of Year 2.
In our school, we aim to make sure that every child learns to read accurately so they are set up for success in school and in life.
As soon as we spot a child who needs extra practice learning to read sounds and words, we teach them one-to-one for a few minutes every day. The emphasis is on ‘keep up’ not ‘catch up.’
If you have any questions about RWI please see your class teacher or Miss Pettit our reading leader.