
At Bozeat Primary School we provide the pupils with a high-quality computing education that equips them with skills in computational thinking and the creativity to understand and cope with the technological changing world.

The core of our computing lessons is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems that include a range of content. We aim for our pupils to become digitally literate, so that they are able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology.

For further information, please see the 'E-Safety' section of our website or speak to Miss Dudley-Smith, our Online Safety & Computing Lead.

Computing Intent:

The Computing Curriculum at Bozeat is designed to develop children’s knowledge, understanding and application of computing skills, which will be held in their long-term memories. A wide breadth of different skills and topics are covered in an engaging way to explore key strategies and methods. These skills are: investigate and interpret by using the web safely; build on previous understanding, but also ensuring that children can use technology in a safe manner; understand how to use different forms of technology and applications.

We consider the background of our pupils to give them appropriate and ambitious curriculum opportunities, such as KS2 coding through our Code Club. Throughout the school, we use and explore current technological advances and safety issues, which give children a deeper awareness and understanding of computing.

Cognitive science tells us that working memory is limited and cognitive load is too high if we rush children through content; therefore, we believe and ensure that our children are able to master the basics first.

All of our classroom based learning is further enhanced by our wider, thematic curriculum, memorable trips and visits which help to bring our Computing curriculum to life!

Computing Implementation:

We have devised our own computing curriculum scheme of work, which supports the breadth of study for each year group with a focus on specific knowledge categories.

Learning is most effective with spaced repetition; each year progresses on the previous, enabling children to gain different skills. Retrieval of previously learnt content is a frequent and regular feature of all computing lessons.

The learning is brought to life by the use of different gadgets, applications and online resources.

Computing Impact:

Learning is a change in long term memory, therefore it is impossible to see impact in the short term. However, it is essential that online safety is consistently taught, so that our children have the confidence to deal with situations that may arise; it is ever changing and therefore needs to be kept up-to-date. Through repetition of the key concepts, children connect topics together and revisit knowledge categories in many ways. Children connect knowledge and build an understanding of the computing and safety so that they are able to leave Bozeat as competent IT users. They are successfully able to interact with the world around them and draw upon the many benefits that IT can bring to our every day and working lives for the future.

We are currently delivering a curriculum that is adapted from the National Centre for Computing Education. Here is the Curriculum Map to show the units that we have decided to cover this year: 

NCCE Curriculum mapNCCE KEY


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