Little Owls Class Blog

Welcome to the Little Owls Preschool Class Blog.

Summer Term Book & Biscuit Dates

I would just like to say a huge thank you for attending and supporting our Book & Biscuit sessions this year. The last one on 10th July was really busy and the children enjoyed sharing this with you.

Week beginning 15th July

I cannot believe we are at the end of our final full week of the year! It has been very busy this week with the film crew joining us to film our promo, but the children have all been amazing, even when the normal routine had to be changed!

The children have been involved in lots of role play this week with a doctor's surgery and a vets. I think we have some budding receptionists, paramedics, vets & doctors in our midst! The children have also produced some great mark making.

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I hope you all have a lovely summer break, and we look forward to seeing you in September.

Week beginning 8th July

The children have had another busy week in school. Continuing our theme of habitats, they looked around the school habitat to see what they could find. We had a huge collection of twigs, leaves, flowers and stones which the children then sorted into different categories. A bat was also found on the school grounds, so the children were able to look at this in the curiosity cube. They couldn't believe how big the ears were and how small the eyes were!

The children also brought our class story of Take a Walk Little Bear to life by using the outdoor area as the setting.

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Week beginning 1st July

This week the children have been learning about woodland habitats and the animals we might find there. They have been using their funky finger skills to make their own clay hedgehogs.

The older children who are going to be Reception in September really enjoyed their transition days being 'Big Owls' and even went into assembly. They were very welcoming of the new children who will be joining us in September.

clay hedgehog 1

clay hedgehog 4

Week beginning 24th June

This week the children have been learning about ocean habitats and the different animals found there. The children enjoyed making fish models out of paper plates.

fish preschool 1


This week the children were amazing in their sports day. They had so much fun, and we were so proud of them. Thank you to all the family members who came to watch.

sports day 1

sports day 2

sports day 4

sports day 5

sports day 6

Week beginning 17th June

This week the children helped to harvest our potato crop. They were very excited to dig and find all the potatoes. They washed them and then we boiled them. The children enjoyed eating their potatoes with some melted butter!

digging 1

potato crop


Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking at different habitats and how the animals have adapted to living there. After learning about some desert animals, the children welcomed a little visitor! Mrs Nunn brought Penny the tortoise in for the children to see so we could see her shell which is used to protect them in high temperatures.

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Week beginning 20th May

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of this half term, the weeks have flown by! We hope you have a lovely half term break and look forward to seeing the children back in school the week beginning 3rd June.

The children have been very interested in playing pirates this week and have enjoyed engaging with the small world pirate ship and playing pirate games in the outdoor area.

We have continued to look at a range of life cycles this week and they have a growing understanding of what a life cycle is and what it shows.

The children have been using their counting skills to count the Numberblobs and match them to the numerals.

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Week beginning 13th May

The children have had another busy week. They have been innovating the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which is now The Very Hungry Ladybird - they even performed this to the Big Owls.

They have been playing lots of number games involving counting, matching & ordering. 

Little Owls who are going to be Reception in September have been introduced to the first four sounds in Phonics; m, a, s, d.

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Week beginning 6th May

The children have been watching as the butterflies have emerged from their cocoons this week. On Friday we released them outside and the children enjoyed watching them fly away - although some were a little reluctant to leave us!

The children have been bug hunting in the outdoor area and managed to find spiders, worms, snails, ants, ladybirds and woodlouse.

Our potato plants are really starting to grow now so we looked at the life cycle of a potato to make sure we know when they will be ready to dig up.


Week beginning 30th April

The children came into school this week to find the caterpillars had turned into cocoons, they now need to wait patiently for the final stage!

This week looked at the lifecycle of a sunflower and then the children planted their own sunflower seeds.

On Monday the children enjoyed taking part in a PE lesson with Mr Roberts from Wollaston. They made lots of different shapes with their bodies on the apparatus.

We have also continued to learn the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the children used the props to tell the story.

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Week beginning 22nd April

Our caterpillars are continuing to grow and the children are very excited to see any changes each day, we may even have some cocoons next week!

This week we started learning the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The children have enjoyed using playdough and paint to create caterpillars.

The children have also been doing lots of shape activities & making pictures with 2D shapes.

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Week beginning 15th April

It has been lovely to welcome everybody back into school following the Easter break. The children have settled back into routine really quickly and calmly. We have welcomed some new preschool children to our setting this week and it has been great to see how helpful the rest of the children have been.

We also have some new additions in the form of caterpillars in our classroom. The children have been fascinated to watch them and are already noticing that they are growing bigger and moving around more.

The children have been completing lots of number tasks this week using their number recognition, counting & ordering skills.

preschool 15.4

Week beginning 18th March

The children have been taking part in some planting this week. Our potato seeds had chit so they helped to plant them outside - fingers crossed we will have a good harvest of potatoes later in the year! The children also planted some cress seeds to see how long it will take for them to grow. They are very excited to spot any changes happening.

We also visited the church this week to take part in Experience Easter. The children learnt about the Easter story and enacted the last supper with bread and grape juice! They took part in some craft activities and helped to create an Easter garden.

The children have also been learning about different feelings.

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Week beginning 11th March

The children have had a very busy week. To mark British Science Week, they took part in some Lego challenges. They used some challenge cards to make rainbow models and then they had a competition to see who could build the tallest tower in 10 minutes. 

little owls lego

The theme for British Science Week is time so we looked together at how to make a sand timer. I showed the children the resources to use and they had to tell me what I needed to do to create a working sand timer. The children had some great ideas and we did end up with a 30 second sand timer.

We have also been learning the story of The Sleepy Bumblebee. The children worked with Big owls to act out the story and then we worked on drawing a story map.

Sleepy Bumblebee Drama

Story Maps


Week beginning 4th March

What lovely Spring weather we have been enjoying this week! The children were able to go on a hunt around the school to look out for the signs of Spring. They found lots of blossom & daffodils which they used to paint and draw pictures of. 

They also looked closely at a honeycomb this week, spotting the hexagon shapes and looking at the honey inside. The children then made their own honey sandwiches.

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Week beginning 26th February

It has been great to see everyone back in school after the half term holiday. The children have been learning about firefighters this week, looking at what they do to help people and what uniform they have to wear. 

In Maths the children have been doing lots of measuring using equipment such as bricks, cubes and footprints to measure different items.

On Thursday we found a sticky mess in our classroom with half eaten honey sandwiches left and a hexagonal pattern left behind. The children looked at the clues and decided that the bees left some honey in our room and maybe a honey bear smelt the sandwiches!

They have also been thinking about how to stay healthy by eating the correct foods. 

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Week beginning 12th February

This week the children have been learning about the police. They know some of the jobs that the police do to keep us safe & have enjoyed role playing in our police costumes & dialling 999 on the telephone.

In Maths they have recapped positional language, counting and patterns this week.

As the weather has been warm, the children have been spotting insects in the outdoor area, naming one of the bees found on a daffodil 'Bobby'!

We hope you have a lovely half term holiday and we look forward to seeing you all on the week beginning 26th February.

Preschool 12.2

Week beginning 5th February

The children have learnt about Chinese New Year this week. They have listened to the story of The Great Race and used props to retell the story. They have learnt that the lucky colour is red and it is the year of the dragon. They also made their own lanterns.

In PE this week the children worked with a partner to have a go at some different counter balancing moves. 

They innovated the story of The Rainbow Princess by changing the characters and adding these over the story map.

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Week beginning 29th January

This week we have continued to look at People Who Help Us. We went for a walk around the village, identifying the places where people who help us might be. We saw the church, the shop, the doctor's surgery and our school and we also found some bus stops and post boxes. The children then programmed Bee-bot around to photographs of the places we visited on our walk. This helped with the children's use of positional language they have been learning about in Maths.

village walk

This week the children started to make their own sock puppets. They are really enjoying looking at and making the different types of puppets.

In PE they have been working on their balancing skills.

preschool 29.1

Week beginning 26th January

The children have continued to use the story of The Rainbow Princess this week. They helped to map out the story on a large floor story map, remembering the key places the characters visit. The children were also introduced to Bee-bot who they programmed around a floor mat to visit all the key places in the story - they thought it was great when he began to move around!

In Maths they have been doing lots of practical activities and playing games to match numerals to quantities.

After looking at different types of puppets, the children made their own stick puppets using the characters from The Rainbow Princess. They chose which character they wanted, coloured it in, cut around the shape with support and then stuck a lolly stick at the bottom. Afterwards the children enjoyed playing with their puppets, telling the story with them.

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Week beginning 16th January

This week the children received an exciting letter from The Rainbow Princess. The children enjoyed her story so much that we decided to use it as our new class story. They used different resources from around our area to create a tuff spot they can use to retell the story with puppets.

This week we continued to think about people who help us and we asked the children what job they would like to do when they grow up. We had lots of children wanting to be police officers or fire fighters, we even had someone wanting to be a midwife. The children painted a picture to show which job they would like to do.

preschool tuff spot


Week beginning 8th January

It has been a busy week in Owls and the children have been able to enjoy the outdoors more with less rain around!

This week the children were starting to think about the different jobs that people do to help others - doctors, builders, electricians, paramedics, police officers, teachers, fire fighters, lorry drivers, bus drivers. They played a listening game to work out who was working. 

The children have also been busy creating their own repeating patterns using lots of different resources. Some children were able to create some complex patterns using a mixture of resources.

preschool patterns

Friday 1st January 2024

Happy New Year

Welcome to the Spring Term, it has been great to see everybody back in today. Our topic for this half term is going to be 'People Who Help Us.'

Just a reminder that Book & Biscuit takes place every other Wednesday at 3.10pm. The dates for this term are: 10th January, 24th January, 7th February, 28th February, 13th March & 27th March.

Week beginning 4th December

What a busy couple of weeks we have had, Christmas has well and truly arrived in Owls! The children have taken part in lots of Christmas related experiences. Last week we invited grandparents into school to complete Christmas craft activities with the children. This week we visited the church to learn about Advent and the Christmas story.

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On Wednesday we had an amazing trip to Westlodge Farm to see Father Christmas. The children made bags of reindeer food to take home, they went to Elf School to learn how to be an elf and receive their very own Santa hat, they sat in Santa's sleigh, they drew a picture for father Christmas and posted it in the North Pole post box before meeting Father Christmas and they all picked a toy to take home. In the afternoon the children took part in a Nativity play and we also looked around the farm and saw lots of animals - we even saw some newly born piglets! The children had a great time and were a credit to the school - we are very proud of them.

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Week beginning 20th November

The children have had a busy couple of weeks. We have started to learn the Christmas Nativity songs and the children are doing really well at remembering the words.

Our class story is The Little Red Hen, ask the children to tell you the story and teach the actions!

In Maths they have been playing lots of counting games and using tally charts to record numbers.

We have been learning about healthy eating, the foods we should eat and the foods we should only have as a treat. The children talked about their favourite foods.

Preschool 20.11


Week beginning 6th November

The children have had a busy week learning all about Diwali. They have made Diva lamps with clay & used coloured sand to create Rangoli patterns as well as lots of other activities to increase their understanding of Diwali. The children also had the opportunity to try some authentic clothing on belonging to one of our Big Owls.

They have also continued to learn about 2D shapes and have looked at the journey of bread from seed to the end product ready to learn our new story.

There will be Book & Biscuit on Wednesday 15th November.

Little Owls 10

Week beginning 16th October

This week the children have been learning to tell the story of the Magic Porridge Pot. They created a story map and added key pictures to this and even made their own porridge! We also looked at the colours the artist used in his pictures and learnt how to make our colours lighter and darker by adding white or black.

We hope you have a great half term and we look forward to seeing you all on 30th October.

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Week beginning 2nd October

We have had a very busy past few weeks in Owls. The children have been looking out for the signs of Autumn and have used conker rolling to create some pictures with paint. They have learnt the story of The Gingerbread Man and have enjoyed using the puppets to retell it. The children are continuing to do lots of counting and have used puzzles to help them order numbers. In PSHE we have been thinking about different feelings and talking about what makes us happy, sad, afraid and angry.

Preschool week3


Week beginning 11th September

Welcome to a new school year. It has been lovely to welcome the children back and also welcome our new starters. All the children have settled well and it has been really pleasing to see our new children being supported by the older children.

We have been playing lots of games together to settle back in. The children have been working on their motor skills by taking part in daily Dough Disco sessions or funky fingers. We are working on recognising colours, going on colour hunts, playing eye spy with colours and colour mixing. The children have also been talking about their bodies and in particular their skeletons - they also used chalk to create some skeleton pictures.

Preschool 1


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